Category: Medical Research

Grace Century's portfolio company CEO to speak on the "Internet of Things", its relation to healthcare, and the integration of EHR

Industry innovator continues to expand its IT portfolio, validating its vision in Healthcare and ever-expanding scope.

The "Predictive Path Protocol" patent sees The Quantum Group expanding its innovation beyond health information technology

Grace Century's Portfolio Project hits 5th consecutive record year, prepares for huge increases in enrollments and growth of revenue streams

Grace Century's Electronic Health Records Project has received it's 12th patent. The Quantum Group Inc.'s latest patent will increase the protection of sensitive patient data against risk of compromise from malware such as worms and Trojan horses.

Grace Century, the private equity and research firm based in UAE, has reported record growth figures from it's bio banking project partner, Provia Laboratories', whose Store-a-Tooth™ technology is setting the standard for storage of dental stem cells.

Grace Century has announced it is in advanced discussions with up to four new investment funds in the Asian market. This follows their exclusive selection and attendance at the MillionaireAsia seminar in Singapore on July 30th and further consolidates their growing presence and footprint in the Asian private equity market.

Market Research & Private Equity company Grace Century's bio banking project, Provia Laboratories, LLC has reported 47% quarterly growth in enrollments for their Store-a-tooth™ cryogenic storage service of dental stem cells. The impressive figure represents a highest-ever recorded growth rate in enrollments for the pioneering technology, which enables stem cell to to be stored for future therapeutic use.

Market Research & Private Equity company Grace Century, along with their partner Provia Laboratories LLC, have announced Provia's first ever patent. The newly patented technology will improve stored bio-specimen integrity for future use in research & diagnostic medicine, furthering the fields of bio-banking & personalized medicine.